Cara Membuat Latar Belakang Proposal

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. What is a Research Proposal? Apa it.What is a Research Proposal?

  1. Cara Membuat Latar Belakang Laporan

Apa itu Proposal Penelitian?Prior to conducting research every researcher must prepare a research proposal. Its main purpose is not only as a guide line for the researcher or anybody else (say, who wants to repeat the research in different place and setting – see Sekaran, 2010, on the meaning of “scientific research”) to follow in conducting the research, but also as a document submitted to donor to secure fund for the research.

Cara membuat latar belakang proposal pdf

For this reason, it is therefore, that the credential of the researcher is usually appended to the proposal to convince the donor that it is a good research, worth of pursuing and of course funded, and that he is the right person to do the job. For the purpose of this module though, the emphasis would be to help students to write proposal of their Skripsi, Thesis, or Dissertation, which is usually have to go through examination in front of professors other than the advisors.Sebelum melakukan penelitian setiap peneliti harus menyiapkan proposal penelitian. Manfaat utamanya adalah bukan hanya ia menjadi panduan bagi peneliti atau siapa saja( missal, seseorang yang berkehendak mengulagi penelitian yang sama pada tempat atau setting yang berbeda – lihat Sekaran (2010) untuk arti dari “penelitian Ilmiah”) untuk diikuti dalam melakukan penelitian, tapi juga sebagai dokumen yang nantinya diusulkan kepada penyandang dana untuk mendapatkan dukungan. Untuk alasan inilah maka latar belakang peneliti selalu dilampirkan pada proposal untuk meyakinkan donor bahwa itu adalah penelitian yang layak dilakukan dan didanai, dan bahwa dialah yang paling tepat melakukan penelitian tersebut.

Tetapi untuk tujuan modul ini, akan ditekankan pada upaya menolong mahasiswa dalam menulis proposal penelitian dalam rangka Sripsi, Thesis, atau Desertasi, yang biasanya akan diuji nantinya dihadapan dosen lain selain pembimbingnya.We will then follow closely the standard outline provide by the Graduate School of BINUS in writing proposal. A research proposal composed of three chapters preceded by the cover page containing the title of the research, the author, and the Department, school, university name, and the year the research will be conducted. The chapters are: (1) Chapter I, INTRODUCTION; (2) Chapter II, LITERATURE REVIEW ( Note: some schools/departments might prefer to name this chapter as THEORETICAL FOUNDATION – please consult your school on this); and (3) Chapter III, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY; followed by THE LIST OF REFERENCES. The main purpose of this Module is to elaborate what would be the content of each chapter, which will then followed by a Case.Kita akan mengikuti dengan baik outline baku yang berlaku pada Sekolah Pasca Sarjana BINUS dalam penulisan proposal. Proposal penelitian terdiri dari tiga bab, didahului oleh lembar muka yang berisikan judul dari penelitian, penulis (peneliti), dan nama jurusan, nama fakultas, dan nama universitas diikuti tahun penelitian akan dilakukan. Bab-bab pada proposal adalah: (1) Bab I, PENDAHULUAN; (2) Bab II, TINJAUAN PUSTAKA (Note: sebagian jurusan, fakultas mungkin menggunakan judul LANDASAN TEORI untuk bab ini – silakan dikonsultasikan dengan jurusan); dan (3)Bab III, METODOLOGI PENELITIAN; yang diikuti dengan DAFTAR PUSTAKA. Tujuan utama modul ini adalah menjabarkan hal-hal apa yang sebaiknya dicantumkan dalam masing-masing bab, yang kemudian diikuti dengan Teladan.CHAPTER I.

INTRODUCTIONBAB I. PENDAHULUANChapter I usually composed of five sub-chapters, i.e., sub-chapter 1.1., Research Background; sub-chapter 1.2., Problem Statement; sub-chapter 1.3., Research Objective; sub-chapter 1.4., The Purpose of the Research; and sub-chapter 1.5., The Scope of the Research.

Next, we will explain each sub-chapter in more detail.Bab I biasanya terdiri dari lima sub-bab, yaitu, sub-bab 1.1.,Latar Belakang Penelitian; sub-bab 1.2., Rumusan Permasalahan; sub-bab 1.3., Tujuan Penelitian; sub-bab 1.4., Manfaat Penelitian; dan sub-bab 1.5., Batasan Penelitian. Berikut akan dijelaskan masing sub-bab secara detil.Sub-Chapter 1.1. Research BackgroundSub-Bab 1.1. Latarbelakang PenelitianThis sub-chapter set the stage for the research. If this is about a particular industry then here is the place to explain about the industry. What are the product and or services in the industry, brief explanation about the industry with respect to the economy as whole, the degree of competition in the industry, and other information, of course, those that relevant to the topics/issues addressed in the research.


Here, there is no need to elaborate in detail about the industry; it is enough to set the stage or the context for the research. The discussion on this sub-chapter should boil down to the broad area problem faced in the industry, the solution of which would be the main purpose of the research. Usually this broad area problem will be stated in the last paragraphs of the sub-chapter, indicated by a word such as, “.

However ”, “. (see Module 1 on the discussion and example of the broad area problem).

Similarly, if this is about a particular company, a brief overview of the company is necessary that pointing out to the important and relevancy of addressing the broad area problem.Sub-bab ini berisikan dan menguraikanpanggung bagi penelitian. Bila penelitian mengenai suatu industy, maka disini dijelaskan mengenai industry tersebut.

Apa produk maupun jasa yang disajikan di industry itu, penjelasan singkat mengenai industry tersebut dalam konteks perekonomian nasional, tingkat persaingan di industry tersebut, dan informasi lainnya, sudah barang tentu yang relevan dengan topic/issue yang sedang dibahas dalam penelitian. Di sini tidak perlu menguraikan secara detil tantang induatri tersebut; cukup menguraikan hal-hal sehingga konteks maupun bidang yang akan diteliti menjadi jelas. Pembahasan pada sub-bab ini harus sedemikian rupa sehingga berakhir pada pemaparan permasalahan yang dihadapi industry tersebut, dimana pemecahan dari masalah tersebutlah yang menjadi manfaat dari penelitian. Biasaya permasalahan ini diuraikan pada paragraph-paragraf terakhir dari sub-bab, juga ditandai dengan kata-kata seperti, “ akan tetapi.”, atau “.Namun demikian ”, dll. (lihat Modul 1 tentang uraian dan contoh permasalahan). Sama halnya, apabila penelitian itu mengenai satu perusahaan tertentu, maka uraian singkat mengenai perusahaan itu harus dijabarkan dan tentu uraian tersebut harus bermuara pada pentingnya dan relevansi perlunya pemecahan permasalahan tersebut.Sub-Chapter 1.2.

Problem StatementSub-Bab 1.2. Rumusan PermasalahanHere will be explained or elaborated how you come up with the research question ( note: research question not necessarily should be in the form of question; it could be statement). Why it is or they are the questions to be answered if we want to solve the broad area problem stated in sub-chapter 1.1. Because there are always be other alternative statements to be addressed in order to solve broad area problem, it is therefore important to provide explanation, reasoning that these are the most relevant statements or questions to be answered to solve the broad area problem. Notice, devising reasons on deciding that the listed research questions are the most relevant questions to answer to solve the broad area problem, requires development of theories, results of earlier research, commonly accepted assertions, logical thinking, and preliminary study; hence, literature review is important in this stage. Since literature review is covered in Chapter II, that is, after the formulation of the research questions, this might look a bit awkward. This is resolved by what we put here are only broad research questions, or broad category of the possible aspects that possibly cause the broad area problem.

Cara Membuat Latar Belakang Laporan

The detail research questions, or in fact presumed causes of the earlier formulated research question, i.e., what will be called hypothesis, will be further formulated after literature review, and all these will be presented in Chapter III, sub-chapter 3.1., Theoretical Framework that will be explained later.Pada sub bab ini akan dijelaskan atau diuraiakan bagaimana pertanyaan penelitian sebagaimana adanya (catatan: pertanyaan penelitian tidak harus dalam bentuk pertanyaan, tapi bisa juga dalam bentuk statement positif. Mengapa itu yang menjadi pertanyaan penting yang perlu terjawab bila kita ingin memecahkan permasalahan yang telah diuraikan pada sub-bab 1.1. Karena akan selalu ada kemungkinan bahwa pertanyaan atau pilihan pernyataan yang harus dijawab dalam rangka memecahkan permasalahan, maka pada sub-bab in perlu penjelasan dan alasan bahwa pertanyaan penelitian inilah yang terpenting untuk dijawab dalam raqngka memecahkan permasalahan. Perhatikan, membangun argument dalam memutuskan bahwa pertnyaan penelitian itulah paling relevan untuk memecahkan permasalahan, membutuhkan pembangunan teori, hasil-hasil penelitian sebelumnya, rumusan-rumusan yang pada umumnya diterima dikalangan ilmiawan, cara berfikir logis, dan studi awal; oleh karena itu, tinjauan pustaka sangat penting pada tahapan ini.

Karena tinjauan pustaka baru akan diuraikan pada bab II, yaitu, setelah sub-bab perumusan masalah, ini kelihatannya agak kurang urut. Hal ini dipecahkan dengan pada sub-bab ini hanya pertanyaan penelitian yang sifatnya masih kategori besar dari hal-hal yang diperkirakan menjadi penyebab permasalahanlah yang diuraikan. Pertanyaan penelitian yang lebih detil,atau perkiraan penyebab dari pertanyaan penelitian yang telah dirumuska, i.e., apa yang akan dinamai sebagai hipotesa, akan selanjutnya dirumuskan setelah tinjauan pustaka dilakukan, dan ini semua akan dijabarkan pada bab III, sub-bab 3.1, Kerangka Teori yangkan dijabarkan lebih lanjut.Sub-Chapter 1.3. The Objective of the ResearchSub-Bab 1.3.

Tujuan penelitianIn this sub-chapter, the objective of the research will be explained. Notice, this is not the objective of the researcher, not the objective of the company, for example being studied, but the objective of doing this research.

For that reason, the objective of the research of course is to answer the research questions stated in sub-chapter 1.2. Now you might reason, that if this is the only things that are elaborated here in this sub-chapter, why we need a sub-chapter for it?

But for the purpose of clarity, and at the same time nothing wrong about it, so at Binus we set aside a sub-chapter for this. You may find out in some universities that the objective of the research is incorporated in sub-chapter 1.2. Problem Statement and the Objective of the Study.

You might find for example, at the end of sub-chapter 1.2, they would say: “. The objective of this research then is to answer the above stated research questions and specifically is (1) to., (2) to., etc. ”.Pada sub-bab ini, tujuan penelitian akan diuraikan.


Perhatikan, yang diuraikan di sini bukan tujuan peneliti, bukan pula tujuan perusahaan bila penelitian ini mengenai perusahaan, tapi tujuan melakukan penelitian ini. Oleh karena itulah, tujuan penelitian sudah barang tentu adalah menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang telah dirumuskan pada sub-bab 1.2. Sekarang mungkin kita bertanya, bahwa kalau hanya ini yang menjadi isi atau yang akan diuraikan pada sub-bab ini kenapa kita memerlukan satu sub-bab untuk menjelaskannya? Itu adalah benar.

Namun demikian untuk tujuan kejelasan, dan pada waktu yang sama tidak ada yang salah dengan itu, maka di Binus, satu sub-bab disediakan untuk Tujuan Penelitian. Mungkin akan anda temui di beberapa perguruan tinggi tujuan penelitian digabung dengan sub-bab 1.2.

Dengan judul “Perumusan masalah dan Tujuan penelitian”. Anda mungkin akan menemukan pada akhir dari sub-bab 1.2.

Kata-kata “.Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang telah diuraikan di atas, dan secara khusus (1) menjawab, (2) menjawab, dll., “.Sub-Chapter 1.4. The Purpose of The ResearchSub-Bab 1.4. Manfaat PenelitianAs was explained earlier, the purpose of any research or study is to solve the broad area problem. Here in this sub-chapter you might need though to explain how by answering the research questions you (or whoever wants to use the findings of the research) are enabled to solve the broad area problem. In this sub-chapter also you might want to list some other benefits of doing this research, i.e., benefits for organizations, institutions, individuals that directly benefited from the research. These are called applicative benefits; but there might be theoretical benefit of the research, that is findings contributing to the body of knowledge.Seperti telah dijelaskan terdahulu,manfaat dari setiap penelitian adalah untuk memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi. Dalam sub-bab ini anda perlu menjelaskan bagaimana/alasannya bahwa dengan menjawab pertanyaan penelitian maka anda (atau siapa saja yang akan menggunakan hasil dari penelitian ini) akan dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan seperti termaktub dalam sub-bab 1.1.

Dalam sub-bab ini anda mungkin dapat menyampaikan manfaat-manfaat lainnya dari penelitian, i.e., manfaat bagi organisasi, institusi, individu yang secara langsung mendapat manfaat dari penelitian. Ini sisebut manfaat aplikatif; akan tetapi mungkin akan ada manfaat teoretis dari penelitian, yaitu contribusi penelitian terhadap ilmu pengetahuan.Sub-Chapter 1.5. The Scope of the ResearchSub-Bab 1.5. Ruang lingkup PenelitianIn this sub-chapter, it should be clearly stated the boundary or coverage of the research, beyond which the conclusion should not be extended or generalized. For example, if the study is about small and medium enterprises (SMEs), the conclusion should only be pertaining to SMES, not to be generalized to large enterprises of corporate. So the scope of the research in this case is SMEs. Things not to be put here then are the activities or the tools or the methods used in the research.

For example, the followings are not the scope:. In formulating the maturity level of the IS/IT, COBIT framework will be used. In analyzing external environment and forces faced by the organization, five forces of Porter will be exercised.Pada sub-bab ini, harus secara tegas diuraikan batas-batas dan cakupan dari penelitian, di mana kesimpulan dari penelitian tidak berlaku atau tidak bisa digeneralisasikan. Sebagai contoh, bila study hanya mengenai Usaha Kecil menengah (UKM), naka kesimpulan tidak bisa digeneraliser ke usaha besar aqtau korporasi. Jadi batasan penelitian dalam hal ini hanya berlaku untuk SME.

Hal-hal yang tidak bisa dimasukkan dalam sub-bab ini a.l., kegiatan ataou alat-alat atau metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian. Sebagai contoh, yang berikut ini tidak termasuk kategori batasan penelitian:. Dalam merumuskan tingkat kematangan IS/IT digunakan framework COBIT. Dalam menganalisa lingkungan eksternal dan kekuatan-kekuatea yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan, akan digunakan kerangka five forces of Porter.CHAPTER II.

LITERATURE REVIEWBAB I. TIJNAUAN PUSTAKAResults of previous studies related to the topic and the research question raised in chapter 1 is exposed here. Studies in different setting, industries, countries about the variables and their relationships not only as conjectured in the research questions, but findings on other variables and their relationships which is found to have effect on the cause of the broad area problem stated in chapter I as the objective of the research should be exhaustively explored and presented here in this chapter. In fact causes of the causes, of the causes and so on upstream need to be exposed here. Issues that might have to do with the issues, that might explain the issues, and so on down to the issues raised in chapter I as the main issues related to the broad area problem those that have been studied previously are elaborated here. Situs ini tidak lagi mendukung penggunaan browser dengan teknologi tertinggal.Apabila Anda melihat pesan ini, berarti Anda masih menggunakan browser Internet Explorer seri 8 / 7 / 6 /.Sebagai informasi, browser yang anda gunakan ini dan tidak dapat menampilkan teknologi CSS terakhir yang dapat membuat sebuah situs tampil lebih baik. Bahkan Microsoft sebagai pembuatnya, agar menggunakan browser yang lebih modern.Untuk tampilan yang lebih baik, gunakan salah satu browser berikut.

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Speaking ability also becomes the main objective of language learning especially in senior high school in Indonesia. Students of senior high school are required to master speaking after graduating from their school in order to be able to communicate in English.

According to KTSP (School Based Curriculum) of English for SMA, speaking must be taught to the students because it is one of language skill besides reading, listening and writing. Moreover students are expected to be able to communicate English well ( Depdiknas 2006: 305). On the contrary, according to the writer’s experience when he was in senior high school, speaking is the most difficult part for the students when they learn English language. The writer finds out many students of senior high school still have difficulty in speaking English although they are supposed to master it after graduating from their schools in order to be able to communicate. Although students have learned English for years, many of them are still incapable to use English orally. These may be caused by the limitation of opportunity to practice, lack of vocabulary, psychological factors which more concern to the fear of making mistakes when speaking English and also inappropriate method for the characteristic of the students. In order to be able to speak English well, students have to feel comfortable and confident in practicing their English.

By feeling comfortable and confident, students will not fear of making mistakes when speaking English. But on the other hand, many students always feel uncomfortable, unconfident, and fear of making mistakes when speaking English. This fear and uncomfortable feeling can be caused by the inappropriate method that used by the teacher.

In fact, there are many teacher use inappropriate method in teaching speaking skill. They use teaching method that makes their students fell unsecure, under pressure, and fear of making mistakes. Therefore, English teacher should be able to encourage and motivate the students to learn the target language by using the appropriate method.

They should use an appropriate method that makes their students fell comfortable, independent, autonomous, and responsible. The use of appropriate method can influence the students’ achievement in learning language, especially speaking skill in English. Anthony said that method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradict, and all of which is based upon, the selected approach. An approach is axiomatic, a method is procedural (Anthony, 1963).

It can be said that method is implementation of approach. Method is the level at which theory is put into practice and at which choices are made about the particular skill to be taught, the content to be taught, and the order in which the content will be presented. In Silent Way method, teaching learning is facilitated if the students learn based on the self-correction.

Therefore, this will make students independent, autonomous, and responsible. In this method, teachers have to make the students rely on themselves. The students can produce any sound and the teacher will never ask anybody else to do it for them.

So, the students are hoped to be responsible for the words or utterances they are saying. Furthermore, in Silent Way the teacher functions as a guide, an organizer, a resource and as an evaluator ( Setiadi 2006: 76). This research will conduct at SMA N X Bandar Lampung. The population of this research is the second year students of SMA N X Bandar Lampung. Since the research is a class room action research, the subject of this research is the second year students of SMA N X Bandar Lampung, and it will be focused on the implementation of silent way method in improving the students’ speaking ability.

In this research, the writer does not intent to all aspects of speaking skill, but it is limited to the pronunciation, vocabulary, structure, and fluency. According to Webster Dictionary (1984:256) speaking is to utter words, to express thought by words, to utter speech, discourse, or argue, to talk, to make mention, to tell by writing, to communicate ideas in any matter. Horn (1980:76) in Andriany (2004:7) implies speaking also means to use a language in ordinary, not in singing. Above theories emphasize that speaking is an effort to use language freely, being able to speak which puts more emphasis on interaction, communication and understanding each other. If it related to particular language, such as English, according to Ratih in Syakir (2002), speaking is the form of oral language that is inevitably used to communicate ideas and feelings, no matter what the language is. Meanwhile, Webster Dictionary (1986:2) defines ‘ability’ as a genetic word represents the term capacity, capability, intelligence, competence, mind power and others.

It also relates to skill, knowledge to do something, proficiency, aptitude, faculty, expertise, talent, facility, qualification, and strength. Based on the definition above the writer define English speaking ability as an ability or skill that the learners have to communicate, to convey meaning, and to have a meaningful conversation in English. English as the target language should be mastered well, either its language skill or language area. In acquiring second language, learners should be involved into a meaningful interaction of the target language that only found in natural communication. Learners learn to speak and concerned to the message that they are conveying and understanding. Ratih in Syakir 2002 explained that when people speak, they construct ideas in words, express their perception, their feelings and their intentions, so that interlocutors grasp meaning of what the speakers mean.

If the learner does not have speaking skill, does not understand the English words that saying by the speaker, does not acknowledge the language, they cannot grasp meaning of the speaker’s mean. In that condition, they cannot be said success in learning English, because they did not have a meaningful interaction of English conversation.

So, for people who want to speak English well, besides learning the knowledge of the language, they need to practice it. Because it is impossible to be able speak English without practice it. The teacher functions as a guide, an organizer, a resource, and evaluator. In the role of guide, language teacher guides learners to learn the language units under consideration; hence, the teacher offers the learning materials to the learners and helps them to acquire the target language. In the role of organizer, language teacher organize classroom activities; the teacher predicts what will happen in the class so that he/ she can arrange activities which promote the learning processes the learners need.

In the role of resource, the teacher function as a source of information about the subject; he/she is the one in the classroom whom the learners consult whenever they cannot solve their problem among themselves. In the role of evaluator, language teacher judges whether the learners’ contributions to the learning process are valid, relevant and correct. In error correction, the evaluator judges whether the learners will be bale to figure out and produce the forms expected or not and how he/she will provide them with necessary help. The result of the judgment will serve as feedback for the teacher as a guide, resource, and organizer ( Setiadi 2006:76). In Silent Way learning is continuing and living process.

It occurs on a continuum and leads towards mastery (Bambang Setiyadi, 1988:11). The idea is that the students know what they are doing, that they are not only saying something without being aware of what they are saying. In order for them to be aware, the new material has to have relationship with the previous one so that students can easily make associations since the association process in a necessary part of learning. Thus, the teacher should build upon the learning process by adding one new segment of language to the previous one.

In teaching speaking skill with silent way method, at the beginning of the stage teacher will model the appropriate sound after pointing to a symbol on a chart. Later, the teacher will silently point to individual symbols and combinations of symbols, and monitor students utterances. The teacher may say a word and have a student to guess what sequence of symbols comprised the word. The pointer is used to indicate stress, phrasing, and intonation. Stress can be shown by touching certain symbols more forcibly than others when pointing out a word.

Intonation and phrasing can be demonstrated by tapping on the chart to the rhythm of the utterances (Richard and Rodgers, 1986:109-110 and 2001). After language learners able to produce the sounds of he target language, language teacher continues teaching the language by using rods and word charts.

Or, language teacher may use other physical objects to conduct the teaching learning process, whose purpose is to make meaning perceptible through concrete objects or by representation of experience. Related to the frame of theories above, the writer assumes that teaching speaking skill through silent way method has positive effect in improving the students’ speaking ability. Because this method encourages the students to be more active in producing as much language as possible.

It means that students will have a great chance to practice their English language orally as much as possible in order to improve their speaking ability. Then, a language teacher will encourage students to take a role in learning activities.

The time of learning teaching interaction is given to students, not to the teacher. Pre test is administered before treatment is given to know how far the students speaking ability especially for the material will be taught by the writer in this research: pronoun “this” and ”that”, comparative degree, superlative degree, preposition ( under, in, on), and positive comparison before the teaching learning process. The test consists of oral test. The subjects are asked to give his/ her responses to the individual symbols and combination of symbols, and the writer will monitor the students’ utterances. The writer will say a word and have a student to guess what sequence of symbols comprised the word.

But before that, at the beginning of the stage, the writer will model the appropriate sound after pointing a symbol on the chart.